Gladden Place

This project is major extension and redevelopment of a commercial warehouse facility in Skelmersdale.


The scope includes:


  • Extension to existing warehouse along North elevation to create a two-storey office space. Primary structure is to be a portal frame construction with an internal steelwork mezzanine to facilitate the office space. Due to undesirable ground conditions the extension is to be isolated from the existing building through the use of movement joints and is to be supported on a piled foundations with a piled ground floor slab.
  • Extension to the existing warehouse along the West elevation to create circa 2500m2 additional warehouse space. Primary structure is to be a 3-bay portal frame construction. With the ground conditions being more favorable a simple pad foundation solution was proposed. However, with there being some uncertainty with regards to existing foundations, the extension is also to be isolated from the existing building using movement joints.
  • A new loading bay facility sloping below the existing ground level to create 10 no. wagon loading bays.
  • Numerous retaining walls across the site to deal with varying site levels.
  • A new site access road and wagon parking facilities.
  • A complete overhaul of the existing surface water drainage system. New system is to utilise an oversized pipe strategy in part of the site for storage in severe storm events, a SuDs infiltration basin in a portion of the site where ground conditions will allow, several petrol interceptors, and a flow control device prior to connecting to the public sewer.
